May 31, 2013

Blogging is like taking a lover.

Blogging is like taking a lover...Sounds brash right?
Well not really, assuming you were single to start with ;) Ok, just go with me on this one!

Seriously though, as a newbie blogger I had little idea of what it entailed, or the upkeep involved. Like your lover, there is some upkeep to it, and some can be high maintenance!

There is a whole host of things involved.
Firstly, you need to put yourself out there. Not always easy for the shyer types. So you get your best clothes, or rather pieces, and put them on. Ta-da! You're now officially listed as a lover, I mean blogger.
Then, there is the hangout at the club, bar or venue of your choice...wordpress, blogger or website, all in the hopes of catching the eye of someone who may be interested in what you are all about.

Woo-Hoo! You're in the dating game! The pond is big isn't it? There are loads of others out there with the same thing in mind. It all starts to feel a bit overwhelming. What next?
Do you take a step back and become a wallflower, or do you become the cheap and easy type, hocking your stuff all over the place? Eek! Start biting your nails!!

The best advice is to just be yourself. Write about what you enjoy, and try to have a sense of humour about it. Lord knows we writers need to develop a thick skin. You write it and it will be criticised. Don't take it personally when you are not someones "type" Just smile and move on.

Assuming you do that, be yourself that is, you will begin to relax into the blogging thing. People will be able to get a really good feel for who you are. It may make you feel more adventurous too.

So, now you are actively seeking a more intimate relationship. What does that mean next?
It means you start to engage with your potential lovers. Talk to them! Most importantly, listen to them too.
If you are blogging, take the time to discuss and answer what people are saying to you - on and about your posts. Relationships take work, don't be afraid to step up when you begin to get some attention!

I have read posts out there that suggest you leave links to your blog all over other peoples blogs.
Personally I find this idea, not only annoying, but potentially lethal to your blog. You could find yourself blocked or banned by a great number of people.

What I do suggest is:
Join communities of like minded people and make some friends.
Talk to other authors.
Ask them questions and seek advice if you need it. Interview them if that's one of your strengths.
Be a matchmaker! Take the time to connect other people if you can. They will thank you for it.
Blog you little heart out and enjoy it.
Be yourself, don't try to be anyone else. It wont work.
When people enjoy your posts, engage with them.
When people hate your posts, learn from it.
Don't get obsessed with how many followers you have on your blog, be happy that you are at the threshold.

But most of all, enjoy the love affair you are now having with your readers .
Be an attentive lover, they will let you know what they enjoy. All you really have to do is keep delivering it!

Painting by Leonid Afremov - Sea of Feelings

May 24, 2013

Stop writing? Are you mad?!

Every writer who has experienced the dreaded "writers block" will know : sometimes you need to put the pen down! But it's not all about writers block. There are a few reasons why a writer should not write.

At times, the story we are penning just doesn't want to be told right then and there. I don't call this writers block. For me this time is precious. It is allowing the plot, the characters and the development of the overall tone of the novel to mature in my brain as well as my heart.
You see, I love my characters! Getting to know them is important, and it can't be done in a short period of time. Getting to know a new person should always be given the due time he/she deserves. Otherwise they are simple and two dimensional veneers of what should be a well rounded and interesting character. 

Now before you get all in a fuss about putting the proverbial pen down; I'm not suggesting that you abandon your writing. Far from it. It's just that life happens, and we as writers should be able to acknowledge that!
There are in my opinion, only two reasons why writers need a time out from a novel they are writing.

As I've mentioned in my post The secret society of writers many of us have a regular day job. Until we are able to become a writer full time, this is a very valid reason for leaving the next chapter to the next day.

Another good reason, is to leave the story alone!
Let it be to take on the life it wants to have. By that, I want to use image of opening a fine bottle of wine. If you don't let it breathe, it wont be as good. Give your story the time to breathe! Let the full complexities of it's nature come out by allowing it the time to do so!

The second reason is simple. You've been bit by the bug!
Another great story line has made the front page news in your mind, and it wont let you go until its been given due time on paper. 

Obviously, illness and other imperative needs that must be met in the course of day to day life aside; I can't think of any other reasons why a writer would or should put the pen down!

Having said that; if I was a romance writer...I could think of a few more interesting excuses!!

What are your thoughts?


May 15, 2013

Sometimes, YOU are the thin blue line...

Social media is fantastic isn't it! A great way to connect with people. Sometimes it can be so much more too.
For some, it can be a lifeline in rough seas.

Usually I write about writing, this is not about that. So look away now if you don't want to hear some tough stuff!

Today I read something that really concerned me - a public post.
The person who wrote it is experiencing a very testing time in their life.
That person bade farewell to everyone.
I read it again.
My heart stopped.

Maybe there is more behind that goodbye.


Probably it is nothing more than what was intended, and I worry too much. I don't know the person who wrote it and I don't want to get too serious here. But....Anyone who has lost a person to suicide looks back and wonders...

 could I have said or done anything to change their mind?

Each of us, as we post our funny pics and humourous tales of fun in the city should remember there is a  person behind the icon.

 Sometimes we are the thin blue line, the last hope, the last reach that someone takes before floating off into the blackness

You never know what could be going on behind the seemingly innocent post of farewell to everyone.

As I write this, I am filled with concern, enough to have left a message on that post...not to give up hope. I encourage everyone to reach out when you get that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something is not right. Even if you don't know the person involved.

So in that theme I am going to share something I never talk about, but today I am. It seems the best way to make my point...

My son is the bravest person I know. This afternoon we were at the hospital, again. You see, he has been unwell and today we got slammed. You don't need to know the details except to say, today;
I'm putting on my brave face, as is he, my brilliant little guy.

What he has is rare. I think just about all the doctors there came to see him today, and he had them smiling and laughing! He is the best! Tonight he is home, and safely in my bed, where I can hold him close and know he is safe. Hopefully he know it too.

So, the rambling of a worried Mother say this: We've all seen the ad's on TV - Awareness is key.

Look out for the signs, even online.
The person who makes the gesture of farewell to everyone, may just mean it.
Take the time to read more than just the lines in a post.

Listen too.

You could be the one person who makes the difference.

Update!! NB: thank you to everyone who has offered support for me and my son. I appreciate it greatly. Although this is a very difficult time, please know that I have only included this information as an Illustration of the point, please don't take it as the point.

Remember: There is always someone who can help. Don't be afraid to ask for it if you need it.

May 05, 2013

Sunshine Blogger Award!

A few days ago, +Glendon Perkins Nominated my blog for the Sunshine Award. To say I am thrilled with the nomination is an understatement! To top it off, another wonderful author +A Long nominated my blog too! What a week! Thanks guys, it mean a great deal to me.

So, what's it all about?

Like all awards there are rules to follow and here they are:

-Post the Sunshine Award logo.
-Nominate ten fellow bloggers you feel are worthy of this award. Announce their nomination.

Plus, link a pingback to the nominator’s blog.

So, without further ado, here 'tis !

You can find Glendon at

You can find Mr Long at

I thoroughly recommend you take a look at both, they are fabulous writers, if you haven't circled them already, hop to it!

Here's the rest:

Favorite color? Red. Followed closely by lavender.

Favorite animal? What? Just one! Mm. I've always loved the Cheetah, but Meercats are a quirky little creature.

Favorite number? I don't really have a favourite number, but the number 2 crops up in my life repeatedly.

Favorite nonalcoholic drink? Cranberry juice, and water. LL&B.

Favorite alcoholic drink? So is this where I reveal my tendencies? I loathe beer. So don't even go there. For a while it was a Brandy Alexander, then a Margarita- strawberry.
Champagne - Veuve Clicquot. Don't even try to give me anything else!!
Recently, none of the above, I'm a Mother!

Facebook or Twitter? Seriously?! Is this a trick question?! G+ hands down.
There are real live human people on G+, and sometimes they even talk to you!!

My Passions? Good food. I am passionate about chemical free home grown food as much as possible. And making meals at home, including baby food! Everyone should have a small garden where they grow something they can eat. Even if it's just a window box with herbs in it! And Chooks, get your eggs fresh people! I'm also passionate about responsible farming. As a small farmer, I use zero chemicals- yes, zero. Animals should eat what they would naturally, and they should be treated humanely. That is - not stuck in cages, and not dispatched badly. Give them a good life, and be thankful when they are providing for you on your dinner plate. For the record, I'm not against GM foods, but I hate with a passion the corporations that are ravaging the land and changing the nature of food- in a bad way.
I should probably add that writing is a passion?!

Giving or Receiving Gifts? I love giving a gift and knowing that it really means something to the other person. That's a delight beyond words. I also love receiving gifts that are unexpected, and ones that show the giver really knows me.


+Glendon Perkins  (link above)

+A Long (link above)

3? who was number 3? Cant remember...! 

+Adrianna Joleigh newly discovered for me - get to know her!

+Jasveena Prabhagaran again, newly discovered for me - get to know her! 

+Kae C

+J. Michael Schmidt

+Timothy Hurley Because he's my kind of lunatic!

9? I forgot, sorry...

Bloggers I would like to encourage!

+Aswin Madhu College goer, exam sitter and blogger!  

There you have it! The sunshine award! Another big thanks the Glendon and AJ, you guys are the best, and best of all, I am learning a great deal from both of you.
Nominees, enjoy the nomination, but don't feel obligated to participate if you don't want to :)

For other people who have made my G+ experience a very rewarding and positive one, (but don't have blogs) check the hashtag #katherinevucicevicsharedcircle

Of particular note is the "top 45" circle.

As always, leave a + and a comment! 


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