So, what's it all about?
Like all awards there are rules to follow and here they are:
-Post the Sunshine Award logo.
-Nominate ten fellow bloggers you feel are worthy of this award. Announce their nomination.
Plus, link a pingback to the nominator’s blog.
So, without further ado, here 'tis !
You can find Glendon at
You can find Mr Long at http://ajwrites57.blogspot.
I thoroughly recommend you take a look at both, they are fabulous writers, if you haven't circled them already, hop to it!
Here's the rest:
Favorite color? Red. Followed closely by lavender.
Favorite animal? What? Just one! Mm. I've always loved the Cheetah, but Meercats are a quirky little creature.
Favorite number? I don't really have a favourite number, but the number 2 crops up in my life repeatedly.
Favorite nonalcoholic drink? Cranberry juice, and water. LL&B.
Favorite alcoholic drink? So is this where I reveal my tendencies? I loathe beer. So don't even go there. For a while it was a Brandy Alexander, then a Margarita- strawberry.
Champagne - Veuve Clicquot. Don't even try to give me anything else!!
Recently, none of the above, I'm a Mother!
Facebook or Twitter? Seriously?! Is this a trick question?! G+ hands down.
There are real live human people on G+, and sometimes they even talk to you!!
My Passions? Good food. I am passionate about chemical free home grown food as much as possible. And making meals at home, including baby food! Everyone should have a small garden where they grow something they can eat. Even if it's just a window box with herbs in it! And Chooks, get your eggs fresh people! I'm also passionate about responsible farming. As a small farmer, I use zero chemicals- yes, zero. Animals should eat what they would naturally, and they should be treated humanely. That is - not stuck in cages, and not dispatched badly. Give them a good life, and be thankful when they are providing for you on your dinner plate. For the record, I'm not against GM foods, but I hate with a passion the corporations that are ravaging the land and changing the nature of food- in a bad way.
I should probably add that writing is a passion?!
Giving or Receiving Gifts? I love giving a gift and knowing that it really means something to the other person. That's a delight beyond words. I also love receiving gifts that are unexpected, and ones that show the giver really knows me.
+Glendon Perkins (link above)
+A Long (link above)
3? who was number 3? Cant remember...!
+Adrianna Joleigh newly discovered for me - get to know her!
+Jasveena Prabhagaran again, newly discovered for me - get to know her!
+Kae C
+J. Michael Schmidt
+Timothy Hurley Because he's my kind of lunatic!
9? I forgot, sorry...
Bloggers I would like to encourage!
+Aswin Madhu College goer, exam sitter and blogger!
There you have it! The sunshine award! Another big thanks the Glendon and AJ, you guys are the best, and best of all, I am learning a great deal from both of you.
Nominees, enjoy the nomination, but don't feel obligated to participate if you don't want to :)
For other people who have made my G+ experience a very rewarding and positive one, (but don't have blogs) check the hashtag #katherinevucicevicsharedcircle
Of particular note is the "top 45" circle.
As always, leave a + and a comment!
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