May 24, 2013

Stop writing? Are you mad?!

Every writer who has experienced the dreaded "writers block" will know : sometimes you need to put the pen down! But it's not all about writers block. There are a few reasons why a writer should not write.

At times, the story we are penning just doesn't want to be told right then and there. I don't call this writers block. For me this time is precious. It is allowing the plot, the characters and the development of the overall tone of the novel to mature in my brain as well as my heart.
You see, I love my characters! Getting to know them is important, and it can't be done in a short period of time. Getting to know a new person should always be given the due time he/she deserves. Otherwise they are simple and two dimensional veneers of what should be a well rounded and interesting character. 

Now before you get all in a fuss about putting the proverbial pen down; I'm not suggesting that you abandon your writing. Far from it. It's just that life happens, and we as writers should be able to acknowledge that!
There are in my opinion, only two reasons why writers need a time out from a novel they are writing.

As I've mentioned in my post The secret society of writers many of us have a regular day job. Until we are able to become a writer full time, this is a very valid reason for leaving the next chapter to the next day.

Another good reason, is to leave the story alone!
Let it be to take on the life it wants to have. By that, I want to use image of opening a fine bottle of wine. If you don't let it breathe, it wont be as good. Give your story the time to breathe! Let the full complexities of it's nature come out by allowing it the time to do so!

The second reason is simple. You've been bit by the bug!
Another great story line has made the front page news in your mind, and it wont let you go until its been given due time on paper. 

Obviously, illness and other imperative needs that must be met in the course of day to day life aside; I can't think of any other reasons why a writer would or should put the pen down!

Having said that; if I was a romance writer...I could think of a few more interesting excuses!!

What are your thoughts?


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