May 15, 2013

Sometimes, YOU are the thin blue line...

Social media is fantastic isn't it! A great way to connect with people. Sometimes it can be so much more too.
For some, it can be a lifeline in rough seas.

Usually I write about writing, this is not about that. So look away now if you don't want to hear some tough stuff!

Today I read something that really concerned me - a public post.
The person who wrote it is experiencing a very testing time in their life.
That person bade farewell to everyone.
I read it again.
My heart stopped.

Maybe there is more behind that goodbye.


Probably it is nothing more than what was intended, and I worry too much. I don't know the person who wrote it and I don't want to get too serious here. But....Anyone who has lost a person to suicide looks back and wonders...

 could I have said or done anything to change their mind?

Each of us, as we post our funny pics and humourous tales of fun in the city should remember there is a  person behind the icon.

 Sometimes we are the thin blue line, the last hope, the last reach that someone takes before floating off into the blackness

You never know what could be going on behind the seemingly innocent post of farewell to everyone.

As I write this, I am filled with concern, enough to have left a message on that post...not to give up hope. I encourage everyone to reach out when you get that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something is not right. Even if you don't know the person involved.

So in that theme I am going to share something I never talk about, but today I am. It seems the best way to make my point...

My son is the bravest person I know. This afternoon we were at the hospital, again. You see, he has been unwell and today we got slammed. You don't need to know the details except to say, today;
I'm putting on my brave face, as is he, my brilliant little guy.

What he has is rare. I think just about all the doctors there came to see him today, and he had them smiling and laughing! He is the best! Tonight he is home, and safely in my bed, where I can hold him close and know he is safe. Hopefully he know it too.

So, the rambling of a worried Mother say this: We've all seen the ad's on TV - Awareness is key.

Look out for the signs, even online.
The person who makes the gesture of farewell to everyone, may just mean it.
Take the time to read more than just the lines in a post.

Listen too.

You could be the one person who makes the difference.

Update!! NB: thank you to everyone who has offered support for me and my son. I appreciate it greatly. Although this is a very difficult time, please know that I have only included this information as an Illustration of the point, please don't take it as the point.

Remember: There is always someone who can help. Don't be afraid to ask for it if you need it.

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