Today, I buzzed around from place to place busily "getting things done" and harping on at my kids to "stop doing this" and "don't do that" and "please don't hit your brother in the nose" all the while trying not to pop a vein in my irate state. Add to this getting the more mundane chores of the farm out of the way, like scraping chicken poop out of the roost and topping up watering areas, placing out feed and so forth....I began to zone out into my writers mind.
I became the heroine of the scene, tirelessly, selflessly, giving her all to everyone and everything else.(feel free to swoon at my magnanimous over-dramatisation ;) Yeah, the daydream lasted about a second, when my youngest son vomited down his shirt. Then he told me he didn't feel well. So, you can add a touch of Florence Nightingale to my repertoire!
Anyone with kids, or in fact any kind of life outside of writing will attest to the fact that it can be rather difficult carrying the dream of publishing into reality when there are so many extraneous demands on your time.
On my way through today's events I started to put together a list of must do's for an aspiring author, and here they are....
This may entail a really great brew of tea or an enticingly aromatic cup of coffee. Whatever your poison, make it a good one.
- Try to find the time to write - without interruption!
As any parent will know, this is not always possible every day, but if you have family or even friends who will help, then take it! If they are of school age, take your note-pad, I-pad or whatever to work and use it to make notes during your lunch hour. Even the use of a voice recorder is a good idea in places you might be struck with genius and haven't got a pen or paper or access to a computer.
If, like me you work from home, slot out some hours where you are NOT to be disturbed unless the house in on fire!!
- Don't write till you drop.
Ok, so you have the time and you have a massive inspirational surge and just cant stop writing. Don't do what I have done on occasion and write until the sun is coming up the next day! Your family and/or your boss still need you to perform your regular duties and anyone with their eyes hanging out of their head is useless!
Please don't forget about the other things in life that you enjoy! Go shopping if that's your thing, take time to see a movie or go to the gym. Whatever it is, don't let it slip by the wayside, it's too hard to get it back once it's gone from your routine.
Find 'em, keep 'em, listen to 'em. Nuff said.
It's your novel, don't fall into the trap of thinking it is better or worse than any other author's work. Do your reading by all means, but don't become disheartened by another persons great might just be your turn one day!
Personally I couldn't give two hoots about it. I write what I write and others will decide where it fits. It is always good to stay well informed and make an educated decision on your market or target audience, but don't get stuck in the confines of a genre's caged edges. These are exciting times to be writing in, let your edges bleed over in to another genre if it is appropriate to your novel. But don't mislead your audience, do give them an idea of what they are going to get in your novel.
So, that's it from me today. It has been a crapper and I'm glad to be flushing it away with a final farewell.
Just goes to show that even when we authors have "bad hair days" it just becomes an opportunity to write about it! I hope you do too.
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Katherine on Google+
That was a great post. I'm bookmarking it!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Always nice to get positive feedback (especially after such a crappy day :)
ReplyDeleteFantastic 'to dos' list. I know that one of writing until the wee hours, or it can be editing photos, I always feel like I have achieved, but then regret it about 1pm the following day.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sara, that means a lot coming from you. One evening in particular last year, I did stay up writing until the sun was peeping over the horizon. I felt so out of sorts yesterday, and tired, it made me think of it (and sweet, sweet sleep!) I had to put it on the list!