June 05, 2013

Writing a book? What should you be doing to promote yourself?

Congratulations! You are part of an exciting club, the writers club!!
So you are in the process of writing or have just written a book. What now?
What is the difference between promoting yourself and marketing a book?
The difference is huge.

Once you've been published, these things can seem like a million years ago...the time BP!
I think one of the greatest things a writer can do, is share the simple stuff from the beginning of the journey, and take the time to look out for new authors by sharing knowledge that can seem so second nature, it's no longer even a conscious thought. If you have any thoughts or tips, do leave a comment and share!!

So, now to it!
Before your book is even finished, YOU should be considering your options for promotion. Not of the WIP, but of yourself as a new writer on the block. This should always be done before you get to the marketing stage, and can take many forms. You will need to decide what works best for you.
Some of the options include:

A good place to start. But be aware you are limited with how much you can say here, 140 characters is all you get! Interaction depends on who you follow and who decides to follow you, as with most social media. Use hash-tags to get your posts in with other relevant material.
Hash-tags that may prove useful are
and the list goes on.

Another avenue of social media you can pursue to promote yourself. This may entail a personal listing or a page that you create to get your name out there and to share some info about your upcoming release. You can connect with other authors and writers and join a vast array of groups here too.You can find a great many wonderful people to connect with here and learn from. Participation on any social media is key. Ask questions and listen to the answers.

Google Plus.
Well, not that I'm biased, but this is the best place to be so far as connecting with others goes. I simply love G+ and it's wide range of communities and people. The best part, you will be able to find a great many who will talk with you and you can learn a great deal. Hash tags are extremely useful here too.

Other social factors.
You can find a wide range of Forums in your chosen genre to pursue. Just do a simple search to find some you may be interested in.
Goodreads is another worth looking at. You friend like on facebook and can pick up a whole host of good tips here too, as well as some goodreads :) There are so many avenues to pursue. Tumblr, Pinterest, Linkedin to name a few. You need to find what you are comfortable with, and decide how much time you are able to dedicate to it.

So, here comes the really big and important one for new writers.

The Blog.

Every new writer should have a blog, in my humble opinion. Some will argue that blogging takes away precious writing time, but I must disagree with this. I believe blogging offers a fantastic outlet to write something other than your WIP. It allows you to practice the craft in a very safe environment and even get some very valuable feedback too. If you are using blogger, I do recommend using the newly launched comments for blogs. I've found it very useful.
Do take a look at my post "Blogging is like taking a lover" for more on this topic.
Your choice of where to list your blog will depend on what you find works for you. There are a few options, blogger, wordpress, goodreads and the list goes on and on.
A blog will allow you to explore the wonderful world of writing and writers, connecting with many other like minds. You may choose to follow other blogs and others may even choose to follow yours. You may even be lucky enough to find a mentor of sorts who will puff a little breeze under your wings by promoting your blog and getting the word out there. It is all a part of the pre-launch sequence leading up to the actual marketing of your book.

Another area to think about is the humble Competition!!
I've entered a few over the years, way before I even considered taking up writing as big part of my life. It was a rewarding expedition into the world of writing and composing poetry pieces. For my part, I haven't won any, but I did get a few placings and notable mentions. Being rewarded in this manner can be quite uplifting, but by the same token, even if you don't win or get a place, remember:  By looking at those who did win, you can glean some insight into what the judges were looking for, as well as what makes a winning piece.

All of these options are ones you can take up online, but don't forget places like your local library. You might find that they host days/evenings for writers. Writers clubs can be found everywhere, find one in your local area and check it out. Keep an eye out for organisations that hold courses or seminars (both free and ticketed) on writing, they may include successful authors as guests! Pick their brains!!

Marketing your book will entail a great deal more than the social media listed here, and again it depends on how you are publishing too as to how you will handle this area. But that is the topic of another post I think!
For now, in the WIP stage, take the time to enjoy the social aspect of promoting yourself. Get to know the other faces out there and read, read, read! Sometimes, it's easy to forget that when you are writing!
Don't be in a rush to get there, let things unfold naturally and delight in the process.

Whatever avenue you choose to take, be sure to have a firm idea in mind regarding how much time and effort you are willing and able to put in. Don't run yourself ragged trying to keep up with others who are further down the writing path than you. Learn from it, enjoy it, and be content with where you are on your own journey. When you are there, remember to pay it forward, share what you have learned with others. They will be grateful for it :)

If you are looking for more tech type tips for authors, apps, tools and addons, search the label author techtips on this site.

Posted by Katherine Vucicevic

Source: http://sci-fi-novel-otura.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/blogging-is-like-taking-lover.html
Content is owned and copyrighted by: http://sci-fi-novel-otura.blogspot.com.au/

Posted by Katherine Vucicevic

Source: http://sci-fi-novel-otura.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/blogging-is-like-taking-lover.html
Content is owned and copyrighted by: http://sci-fi-novel-otura.blogspot.com.au/

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