January 21, 2014

My first year on G+ blogger.

Twelve months have passed since I joined G+ and started my little blog. And what an extraordinary year it has been!
My thoughts turn to all of the wonderful people I have met during this time, and yes, that means You!
Some years more than others bring things into my life. The years I had my children are perfect examples of new love and life being welcomed. But then there are other types "bringing in"

Over the course of the last year, I began to bring my own truth into my life.
Each of us will pursue this in different ways, some of us are born running, and others take their 20's (and even 30's!) to figure out who and what they are and want in and from life.

Mind you, its been a bumpy road for some people around me. Some have been blatantly rude and extremely nasty with regard to my pursuit of "what makes me happy"
Quite frankly, it was an astonishing example of just how unhappy (and obnoxious!) they are in their own lives, rather than a true reflection of who I am and what I am doing.

You see, change really scares the hell out of some folks. 

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