Frenetic desire
Raw lust
Spiritual union
What does it all mean? How does this happen between two unique beings born worlds apart?
Simply, and the intention to start a family.
And it all begins with
Lingering, languid, eyes locked, bodies merged.....Sex
Well, now we get down to it.
We've all watched the really great, epic Sci-fi movies and they were, for the most part in my opinion, a little tame in the Alien Sex department. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!!)
As a science fiction writer, I had the distinct pleasure of exploring through writing my first novel, the relationship between a human woman and a male alien. Although they got off to a rocky start, I wouldn't describe my sex scenes as tame!
So, always the question....
To get it on, or not to get it on!!!
Its a tricky one to tackle (pardon the pun) for an author, especially as the Alien will no doubt possess unique physical characteristics and charm.
So, as to the question "should they or shouldn't they go for a hot and heavy session in the sack, cargo hold, stasis pod or wherever?"
To me, science fiction is the ultimate exploration of the human condition. Of ourselves as beings in the broad scheme of the universe, and obviously as sexual beings in encounters with alien beings too.
Short answer: I definitely believe they SHOULD!!
Well, it's not the first time its been done, any decent Trekkie knows that Spock is half Human, but does that necessarily mean that it needs to be included in the novel, or merely alluded to?
Well, yes and no.
There are huge fan groups that worship at the altar of Alien sex, and I mean what is referred to as "hard" alien sex. Which is great, I'm all for it!
For a more
mainstream science fiction, is it appropriate to include the sexy bits?
For me, the answer has to be YES.
In my novel, it simply made sense to include the passionate, and as my Beta readers have told me "arousing" "hot" "fantastic" (and a few other descriptions I cant write here!) inter-species love and physical love experiences of the two main protagonists. My novel would not be the same without the sex scenes and ...well...spoilers people, can't give away too much of the plot!!
So, how do you write Alien Sex?!
Start with a really good description of the Alien, not necessarily at the time of the sexual encounter, but I do think the reader needs to understand what the Human is in for if he or she goes "funky town" on the Alien!
All fun aside, the main consideration should always be
love, lust is perfectly fine on its own for erotica, but for a true, lasting, romance, the newly emerging love shared between the characters must be acknowledged and explored.
What was it that drew them together?
Did they have shared experiences or was it their differences that sparked an attraction?
Is there an intellectual component driving attraction?
What character traits have been explored the will give insight to the
consummation and bonding of the protagonists?
Other things to consider when writing Alien sex:
- what does it mean to the alien to have sex with a human
- what does it mean to the human to have sex with an alien
- is the alien/human promiscuous, or
- is the decision to have sex one that required a lot of thought on both parts
- is it consentual
- is it love
- does the alien view love in the same way humans do
- is inter-species easy for the participants or tricky due to physical differences
- if it is tricky, explain how and why
- what special gifts/talents/abilities does the alien have, and
- how does that make the sex good or bad
- does it change the human or alien in any way
- is it addictive to have sex with humans for the alien
- is it addictive for humans to have sex with the alien
- what are the consequences of sex for the participants
- is the sex gratifying for both parties or just a means to an end
- is it against the rules, against the law on either planet to have sex with other species
- what happens after the sex scene?!
There are simply hundreds of things I could include on that list!
So, don't shy away from Alien Sex! Embrace it! It might just broaden your horisons!
And remember, it comes with space ships, laser beams and cool clothes of the future !
Does it get any better :D
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Katherine on G+