February 22, 2013

Anyone for Alien Sex?! : Part II

Thanks to everyone who made some very interesting comments on my post "anyone for alien sex?!"
It seems we all have "it" on the brain! (haha)
There are many reasons why people are so interested in sci-fi and the obvious question is : Is it appropriate in main-stream science fiction to include the sexy bits?
Well, you've all read my thoughts on that; I think it is essential!

How those scenes are handled is entirely at the discretion of the author, and some write some really hard core stuff (much of which I have enjoyed) and others seem to glance off the whole topic preferring to allude to the act itself rather than giving too much away.(which is also extremely enjoyable; sometimes the anticipation and the tease can be far more enticing!!)

The more esoteric reasoning behind why some people (and not others) are so fascinated with aliens and the possibility of having an intimate relationship with one (or more!) is nothing short of thesis material for me. The complicated psychological why's and wherefore's aside, I believe that it is simply a good escape and a fun fantasy; and in my case - hopefully an excellent read when the novel hits the shelves!!!

Thank you to all those who have taken the time to G+ the post, and for all of your wonderful, insightful and often very amusing comments! I love them, and remember ... keep 'em coming!! ;-)


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