September 21, 2014

Keeping track of you. When "following" turns to Cyber Stalking.

According to wikipedia, there are many recognisable signs of cyber stalking.

  • False accusations, particularly relating to the victims own social media content.
  • Attempts to "gather information" on the victim, or "target"
  • Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information
  • They are generally obsessive, extremely persuasive and hell-bent on finding out any information about their victim, no matter how small
  • Their irrational obsession is masked with "due diligence" or "concern for the welfare of another person" or "professional research"
  • Encouraging others to harass the victim. This can take the form of "help me to gather information" "ring this person and find out what you can on the victim or their involvements with others, or business dealings" If someone approaches you to do this on their behalf, beware, they are attempting to make you an accomplice to cyber stalking.
  • Cyber stalkers will insist they have been wronged in some way by their own victim.
  • Cyber stalkers accuse their victims of being the "true" stalker in any situation uncovered by authorities.
  • Cyber stalkers use all forms of social media to "monitor the thoughts and movements of their victim" often to justify baseless complaints about the victim.
  • Cyber stalking often includes "real time" stalking.
  • Cyber stalkers try to find any avenue to "meet their victim"
  • Cyber stalking can result in physical harm on the stalkers "victim or target"
  • Stalking and cyber stalking are both criminal offenses. 
  •  In Australia, the Stalking Amendment Act (1999) includes "the use of any form of technology to harass a target" as forms of "criminal stalking."

What do do if you are being cyber stalked.

  • Report it.
  • do research on cyber stalking
  • talk to the local police
  • do not approach stalkers
  • do not respond to cyber stalkers direct comments
  • compile evidence, not difficult given stalkers provide it for you
  • protect yourself
  • realise that cyber stalking can get get physical
  •  Many stalkers are sociopaths. You should not try to negotiate with a sociopath. Do not under any circumstances try to reason with your stalker, tempting as it may become .

Find resources and phone contacts that help with cyber stalking in your local area and make contact.

As always, I hope this article helps in some small way.
If you believe you have a cyber stalker, contact your local agencies and seek help.
Remember, don't suffer in silence, its what your stalker is counting on.

August 09, 2014

She moved fair, the girl with raven hair.

She moved fair

with grace


Love bloomed

with joy


Flowers in her hair



Sunlight warms the air

beams glide


One moment




and never



Was it ever?

 She grows beyond




Her smile

That smile

reveals all

and nothing.

She is

she is



March 08, 2014


When I was teaching, there was a skinny little girl who was clearly in trouble. In the midst of winter she would arrive, freezing with no jumper or anything warm. I gave her a jumper and track pants from lost and found. She returned them at the end of the day. I realised later, it was so she would not be beaten for some perceived slight on the part of her parents. So each morning, I would give her the items, and each afternoon she would return them. I was advised by senior staff not to "get involved" The parents were known to authorities. But I did feel some heartbroken joy in watching her eat the things I would put in the pockets.

I was a kindergarten teacher.


Of her heart she knew little
All around were so big
Each one she looked up to
Never did they think

Busy with their lives
They scolded and hit
She whimpered and cried
Never questioning it.

The bruises healed
Broken bones too
New battles erupted
It would be payback soon

Little girl grew
Learned the lay of the land
It’s open your mouth
Find the back of the hand

Taller now
But none the wiser
Was everyone alien?
Why did they despise her?

School was uncomfortable
Did they all know?
Could they see the scars?
Did the lost tooth show?

And what of the parents
Did they beat too?
Other children hugged theirs
What a strange thing to do.

February 22, 2014

The haunted soul no longer.

The haunted soul no longer

She held those

Who wanted to hold her

She listened intently

To what they told her

The world turned

Nothing was new

She grew

A new dawn

Was upon her

She shrugged off

Cunning claws

She found something

Not lost

Her voice

Credence no longer

For control

She shed it

That coiled skin

And everyone

With forked tongues

Her choice.

January 21, 2014

My first year on G+ blogger.

Twelve months have passed since I joined G+ and started my little blog. And what an extraordinary year it has been!
My thoughts turn to all of the wonderful people I have met during this time, and yes, that means You!
Some years more than others bring things into my life. The years I had my children are perfect examples of new love and life being welcomed. But then there are other types "bringing in"

Over the course of the last year, I began to bring my own truth into my life.
Each of us will pursue this in different ways, some of us are born running, and others take their 20's (and even 30's!) to figure out who and what they are and want in and from life.

Mind you, its been a bumpy road for some people around me. Some have been blatantly rude and extremely nasty with regard to my pursuit of "what makes me happy"
Quite frankly, it was an astonishing example of just how unhappy (and obnoxious!) they are in their own lives, rather than a true reflection of who I am and what I am doing.

You see, change really scares the hell out of some folks. 

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