When I was teaching, there was a skinny little girl who was clearly in trouble. In the midst of winter she would arrive, freezing with no jumper or anything warm. I gave her a jumper and track pants from lost and found. She returned them at the end of the day. I realised later, it was so she would not be beaten for some perceived slight on the part of her parents. So each morning, I would give her the items, and each afternoon she would return them. I was advised by senior staff not to "get involved" The parents were known to authorities. But I did feel some heartbroken joy in watching her eat the things I would put in the pockets.
I was a kindergarten teacher.
Of her heart she knew little
All around were so big
Each one she looked up to
Never did they think
Busy with their lives
They scolded and hit
She whimpered and cried
Never questioning it.
The bruises healed
Broken bones too
New battles erupted
It would be payback soon
Little girl grew
Learned the lay of the land
It’s open your mouth
Find the back of the hand
Taller now
But none the wiser
Was everyone alien?
Why did they despise her?
School was uncomfortable
Did they all know?
Could they see the scars?
Did the lost tooth show?
And what of the parents
Did they beat too?
Other children hugged theirs
What a strange thing to do.