July 15, 2013


A short poem. Just cos. I am no poet, but I thought I would share this, as I enjoy the random factor :)

The day began as many had before
Sounds of laughter and a cheery home

This day was the changing one
When mood had shifted with dour tone

It was seen on the horizon and felt long before
and rolled ever closer to suck away the warmth

Grey replaced the sunny day
Glowers smothered smiles

Nothing to put a finger on
But it had been felt for a while

Words lose all reason
When the impasse starts

Often worse the silence
That kills a broken heart

Barren souls fell the war
Nought the same as before

The dusk approaches with sliver moon
No fond farewell, no see you soon

Stars stab as icy darts
Tears fall for those who part

Nothing speaks the hurt inside
When love withers and is left to die

When new day dawns
They move as ghosts

Hollow remnants
Of the former hosts

The mind is numb and the body moves
Yet see the eyes

They reveal the truth.

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Nominations Abound! My Shine on Award.

Here you have it folks, a fantastic nomination for the Shine On Award from +A Long
For those of you who don't know him (and I will say here and now, you should!) you can find his blog at

So, what's it all about? What are the rules?
Here they are...


1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. State 7 things about yourself

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.
Here goes!
1 - done.
2 - done
3- Hmm 7 things about me...geez, what to write what to write?!
-I love to cook.
-I drink De-Caff tea and coffee (insert grimace here!!)
-I love music from the 60's and 70's
-I am insanely uptight about how I do my washing, certain things shall not be washed together. Yeah, its OCD haha.
-I enjoy a good flirt, but I don't enjoy if it goes too far or becomes something untoward.
-I have pretty feet ;)
-The greatest achievements of my life are my children.

4- Nominations.
Gosh, nominations are always tough. Here goes...

So there you have it folks, some stuff about me and some great nominees!!
(you may note I've only listed 10, but hey..I try my best ;)
I hope you all enjoy reading about my wonderful nominees and getting to know them too. Awards like this one are a great way to "Pay it Forward" and also, a great way to connect with like minds. Enjoy everyone :)
To all the nominees, enjoy your nomination, but don't feel obliged to participate if you don't want to...but it would be nice if you did!!

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