The wonderful +Seumas Gallacher has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award. You can find his great blog at or on twitter @seumasgallacher
So what's it all about??
Here are the rules of the nomination...
The rules for the Liebster Blog Award:
- List eleven random facts about yourself
- Nominate eleven other bloggers for the Liebster Award
- Notify these bloggers
- Ask eleven questions that the bloggers must answer upon accepting the Liebster Award
- Answer the eleven questions that you were asked when you were nominated
- Link back to the person who nominated you.
1. I hate the smell of raw capsicum.
2. My fave band of all time is the Spencer Davis Group (like you didn't know!!)
3. Fave song of all time "Georgia"
4. When I'm sick, I clean. Obsessively. Weird right?!
5. I once "bought" a car for $38.oo - the cost of a new battery to get it running. A mauve Gemini, and it was the best little car. Never missed a beat!! (I miss that car ;)
6. I can be technically challenged. Nothing further to add here...
7. I love puzzles, especially Binary and Sodoku.
8. Cryptic crosswords are another fave.
9. I am the only female farmer in my area. And proud of it!
10. I love the smell of rain after a warm summers day.
11. I'm an intensely private person...and shy (with bursts of boldness!!)
1. What was the funniest movie you have seen?
2.What’s your earliest memory?
3. What was your favourite school subject?
4. Have you EVER had a need to use algebra away from a school environment? (No, seriously!)
5. Do you understand modern art (or even know if it’s hanging the right way up?)
6. Most enjoyable book?
7. Ever spent money to buy something you really wanted, although you could hardly afford it at the time?
8. Apart from when you were a child, have you ever danced in the rain?
9. What country would you like to visit that you have not yet been to?
10. What makes you grumpy?
11. What’s your ’Go To’ switch to make you feel better on a gray day?
My Answers
1. 50 first dates. I love that film. (and anything by Adam Sandler)
2. My earliest memory...Looking out over a large, lush green paddock with gum trees in the distance. Mum and Dad tell me I was about 6 or 7 months old. They sat me on a fence post (holding me of course) when they were looking at a new property, and they are still astonished I remember it.
3. Science. Of course!
4. ummm...NO!
5. For the most part, no. It's just not my cup of tea.
6. The book I love most is "The Rainbow" by DH. Lawrence, followed closely by "My Brilliant Career"
7. No, I'm far too practical for that. If I realllly have to have it, I pay it off.
8. With my kids, yes.
9. India. (and Japan, South America and the list goes on!!)
10. Bad manners.
11. A good cup of tea :)
My Blogger Nominees!
M.C O'Neill (who I wish would join G+ sometime soon!! Hint, hint Mark ;)
+Michelle B
+Vashti Q-Vega
+Author's Thought - SLS Oborowsky
+M.G. Edwards
@SophiaRecipes Sophia Martin
Amanda @chewtowntweet
+Radhika Subramanian
+A Long
+Glendon Perkins
+Bhawana Bhowmik
Enjoy everyone. I look forward to finding out 11 random facts about you, and your answers to the questions!!
You don't need to participate in the nomination, but it would be nice if you did :):):):)