A fabulous friend of mine (name drop!) Author M.C. O'Neill has very kindly awarded me the
Very Inspiring Blogger Award! It's very flattering and a big thank you to Mark!
You can find his blog at http://royalmanaball.wordpress.com/
In keeping with the rules, I must adhere to the following....
- Display the award logo on your blog.
- State SEVEN facts about yourself.
- Link back to the person who had already nominated you.
- Nominate FIFTEEN other bloggers who deserve this award.
- Notify each of the bloggers of your nomination.
So here goes.
- already done!
- Seven 'jack of all trades' facts about me...
- Between the ages of 10 & 12, I grew 1 foot taller! I've only grown 1 inch taller since then! (5'10")
- I drowned when I was 2 years old.
- I was at Ayres Rock a month before Azaria Chamberlain was taken by a dingo.
- I joined the army reserve when I was 19. I got to play with cool things that go bang. In the end, it wasn't for me though.
- Many, many years ago I was offered a place in the Sydney Philharmonia Choir.
- I was scouted to model at 14 by a leading cosmetics brand. The contract was turned down so I could finish school....I still have moments of what if?
- I enjoy 'discovering' and learning about anything that catches my interest, which usually means I'm juggling and tired!
Um..(wake up?!) ...where were we? Oh, right...3...already done!
4. Nominations! Yay...
Here goes...
- A. Long http://ajwrites57.blogspot.com.au/
- HMC http://www.hmcwriter.com/blog/
- Kae. C http://mentalgeysers.blogspot.com.au/
- Marian Allen http://writetype.blogspot.com.au/
- Nat Russo http://www.nat-russo.com/
- Nathan Michaels http://thestoryofchallenge.blogspot.com.au/
- Simon Parker http://artisanangelblog.wordpress.com/
- Steph & Nikki http://confessionsofafuglyteen.blogspot.com.au
- Wolf Scott http://godofnothingnow.wordpress.com/
- Ayd Instone http://aydinstone.wordpress.com/
- Sara @ http://bellyrumbles.com/
- Lisa Forest http://lisaforest.blogspot.com.au/
- Scarlett Flame http://missscarlettflame.blogspot.co.uk/
- Seumas Gallacher http://seumasgallacher.com/
- There are many, many more wonderful folks I could add here, but I've tried to list varied bunch!
Lastly, all I have to do is notify everyone of their nomination too! Hope you enjoy perusing all of the wonderful guys and gals listed above! They each have an interesting perspective to offer on a range of topics.
For those of you who have received a nomination from me, enjoy...but don't feel obligated to participate if you don't want to, just know that I have enjoyed each and every one of your blog posts and your friendship!
For me this is all about continuing a wonderful friendship and as Seumas recently said: "paying it forward"
If you do decide to participate, I look forward to finding out seven tidbits about each of you!
Let me know if you do :)
Connect with Katherine on Google+
Don't forget to leave a G+ :)
You amazing lovely woman. Thank you so much :)
ReplyDeleteI have been tagged not too long ago for this one. So I will send my absolute gratitude and go and check out your other inspirational tags!
Thanks, Katherine, for listing my mental geysers blog. I'll get busy and keep it up to date. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear lady! And a beautiful award it is, too. :)
ReplyDeleteMarian Allen
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes