March 25, 2013

Would you give away the secret formula?

A lot of buzz has been flying around this week about writing tips. One comment I read stated quite plainly:
"If you had the secret formula for scribing a best seller, why would you give it away?"

It really made me think. Yes, it was a bit tongue in cheek, but at its essence, quite selfish. Why not give away the formula? It is after all, just that. Anyone who has watched sponge bob knows that some people will do anything to get their hands on the secret, but just because you have the formula for writing does not mean that you will churn out a best seller. You still have to have a great story to tell.

Don't feed me the same old same old garbage that writing tips are useless. There are plenty out there who would disagree. Even if it only helps one person, isn't that a good thing?
It's the same as tips on G+ why would you keep them to yourself?! Wouldn't you want others to be able to use it as well as you...I mean, it would improve your experience too. Personally, I relish when I pick up a really good tip on any social media, and even better in person.

There is my rant. Those who proclaim a ban on tips or "Unwriting" tips for want of a better word, can kiss my behind. I really don't enjoy trite and selfish tosh. It smacks of a mean spirit disguised with barely there humour. In reality, it is just a self-centred bad attitude. We can't all be old and crusty jaded mega-blockbuster-world renowned-multi-millionair-authors.There are many, many younger ones who are just starting out in the business, and some older who are finally doing what they always wanted to. Sitting on your high horse and saying writing tips are useless garbage speaks more about you than the person who is sharing them. Helping your fellow author and novice aspire-e will only lead to good things, personally and professionally.

So, if you have any tips that might help an aspiring author - share them!
Know any great tech tips that will help them improve their website/blog - tell them!
Know a way to help their G+ experience - pass it on!

Remember that whole "pay it forward" thing? What are your thoughts?

To all the nay-sayers out there, this has been brought to you by the Number 1 and the letter A. Writetips are like sesame street for grown ups!
A 'Katherine Vucicevic soap-box' rant.


  1. For this comment, think of writing as a great big wall, a jagged, rocky cliff-face; one that writers have to scale in order to get a good story written. They can do it on their own, if they're good enough. But writing tips, lessons & suggestions help a lot. In line with this metaphor, imagine these like those rubber, indoor rock-climbing footholds.
    Now, if they're good enough, writers can climb on their own. But even good writers need something to grab onto if they start to fall.
    The more writing tips out there, the more there are to grab onto, and help climb that wall.

    But the thing is, there are some writing tips that suck. They lead you climbing in the wrong direction [genre writing tips (ie not in your genre)]; they are greased [negative writing tips: (do this or you suck)] & some aren't even bolted to the wall [tips that are WRONG].
    But writers will climb at their own pace. Some need more help than others.

    But the thing is. The people climbing the wall (at least in my experience) are also the same ones watching the spectacle. Writers are readers too. Once you get to the top (even while you're still climbing) wouldn't you want to add a foothold or two?
    Otherwise, there won't be enough climbers at the top. People will think that writing is too hard, and NOBODY will want to climb the wall.

    Admittedly I was having more fun with the metaphor than the message. But the message is clear.
    If you are a good writer, you read. And if you read, you want to read from good writers. Why would you rig the system against yourself?

  2. Katyherine,

    "Generosity, in theory, is good. Generosity, in practice is better." - ajwrites57
    Generosity is defened as 'readiness or liberality in giving".

    You said "Helping your fellow author and novice aspire-e will only lead to good things, personally and professionally." This is generosity! No one can say it better!


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