Which is better, Print or eReader?
The topic of discussion was prompted by an article:
"Print Books: Should they stay or should they go?" by Nick Bilton - he is throwing out all of his print books!!
So, today's question is: Could you throw out or do without your print books in favour of an eReader only?
It is an emotive topic to say the least! No doubt many of you will have passionate views depending on whether you have printed in the traditional sense or listed your book for sale as an e-version.
My personal preference is Print Books of course! That's not to say I am not a lover of e-books, I am. But there is something more ethereal about a printed book for me. It is a sensory thing I think. As I said to Jonathan earlier today:
"As a collector of vintage and antique books, I will say PRINT is best. There is nothing like the smell of an old book. I love e-books and have been converted there is no doubt of that, but all my senses need to be involved! The feel, the smell, the sound of a page turning. The wonderful little maps and pictures etc. I love that many e-books are available in print too, so if you really, really love it, you can add it to a bookshelf as well as a reader. I also collect vintage cookbooks, so yes, I even consume a good book!! Print books should stay. How could we deny our kids the chance to dog-ear a really great read?!"
Obviously there are many pro's for an eReader, like discovering a new favourite author who becomes a real star in the literary world, but the old-fashioned side of me just loves rummaging around an old book store! The discovery of some long forgotten gem stuffed at the back of a bulging shelf in a second hand shop or better yet, in an antique book sellers store is something akin to finding hidden diamonds for me!
Another thing I like about printed books is having them physically in my house.
I have several book shelves, some filled with my childhood favourites (yes, I kept them - sensing a pattern here?!) My children are now able to enjoy the stories that filled my imagination when I was their age. It is one of the great delights as a parent to be able to share this with them and rediscover my youthful fancies.
Other shelves house my antique book collection, which I might add - is locked! But I do take the time to visit my old friends as often as I can. This particular collection attracts a great deal of attention from visitors when they are in my home, and it is an amazing talking point too. I had one old man (an elderly relative of a friend) who cried when I showed him an antique french book that I have. He is French you see, and the sight of it went like a powder trail straight to his childhood heart. He held it like a long lost friend. It was a beautiful moment for all of us, and I think displays the powerful presence and impact a printed book can have on people.
Before I digress too far, I shall say this: I don't really care how people read; some will prefer the technology over an almost outdated mode of publishing- the printed book, but having said that...as long as they are reading it is a good thing.
And a nod to my inspirational muse of today - Jonathan :) Many kisses your way sweetie xxx
What are your thoughts.
- Do you think it is easier to print or e-publish?
- What are your experiences with eBooks and Printed Books?
- Which do you prefer?
- Could you throw out all of your print books?
- Either way, let me know in the comments section below! I would love to hear your views!
I love printed books for the same reasons you outlined. Although I would go a little further and say that I love looking at the different styles of binding (I even want to do bookbinding).
ReplyDeleteNow to your question of which is easier. I will have to say that ebooks look like they are easier for the author. But I prefer to have my books that I write to be in print do to my unease of certain problems that I see with the ebook format. This may mean that I have priced my self out of a growing market to stick with print but I am okay with that.