December 31, 2012

Why write a book?

Well, for have a great story! Ever had something running around your brain that just had to be put down on paper? If the answer is Yes, then you probably have the beginnings of a great read. But, why write a story/e-novel/book/whatever? To get rich? Probably not. Most people who write and publish themselves will never get rich. There are sooo many people who have had the same idea. The market is flooded with them! So, another reason to write... To get famous. Well, again...probably not. It's not the best motivator for scribing a tome! There are a million reasons why people write, but for me the only reason is for the love of the story. I feel sincere regard for my characters - quite simply, they are my babies and I love them. Usually I have been thinking about the story for a year or more before I even put the proverbial pen to paper. It rattles around in my head for a long time before the smallest basis comes to life. Don't worry a bout the how's and why's or even the little things like construction or format. First and foremost - just write the thing!!! The rest will fall into place at a later date once you have it down. For me, it is a process of falling in love. With love you can bring it to life. Happy writing everyone... don't forget to follow me on Twitter @OturaNovel Have a very Happy New Year

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