November 25, 2012

A generation which ignores history has no past, and no future.
-Robert. A. Heinlein.

November 24, 2012

Your input.

Ok, so here's your chance...

What would you like to see/read in your sci-fi?

Leave a comment with your most outlandish, most personal, most intimate, most daring desires for a sci-fi...

Go for it! don't be shy!

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Copyright and other boring details.

please note that the Title, content and any other writings on this page, are protected under copyright law.

November 23, 2012

It begins

The ship hung stationary in the watching stars and planets of the galaxy, paused on the verge of its first test flight. Its sheer size was testament to its readiness, eager as a fledgling ready to fly the nest for the first time. It was a sleek design, smooth and aerodynamic in shape, tiny portals illuminating its existence as well as a deck wide presence of light that announced its coming of age to all that were witness in the depths of space.

November 22, 2012

Coming soon


Snippets of my new book will be posted on this blog.
The book is called O'Tura.
Those of you who like science fiction will enjoy it, those who liked 50 shades will definitely enjoy it!

Please leave feedback in the comments box!

Any and all posts are protected under copyright law! thank you :-)

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